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Where to Find and Recruit Affiliates Who Promote Vitamins & Supplements

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Recruit Affiliates Who Promote Vitamins & Supplements

If you are reading this, chances are you’re planning to begin, or to expand your affiliate program. That’s a very, very good idea and your market timing couldn’t be better!  Affiliate marketing opportunities in vitamins, minerals, and supplements (aka VMS) have proven to be how our post-Covid world consumers purchase VMS products, as well as just about everything else. The VSM online marketplace and other niche businesses are simply enormous and the rewards from online sales can be as well. Support in the form of an effective tool for finding quality affiliates can pay off handsomely! offers the needed support for companies searching for affiliate web publishers by providing a specialized tool designed by expert- in-the-field to identify web publishers and influencers that resonate with your products, and thereby enrich your affiliate program and profits. The PublisherFinders’ development team is composed of individuals with over 20 years of experience in ecommerce, digital marketing, and affiliate marketing industries. Their specialized search tool enables you to easily search for and recruit hundreds of quality affiliates to your program.

Let’s look at the phenomenon that has spawned this veritable gold rush. Market research reveals VMS sales have surged as the pandemic spiked. It’s not surprising the pandemic stoked consumer’s health concerns. Hearing about or personally witnessing friends and family members who succumbed to the virus, and learning of the many millions of people around the world who died from COVID-19  motivated many people to take extra safety and health precautions for themselves and their family. More people than every before began purchasing vitamins & dietary supplements online in and effort to strengthen their immune system.  With online purchasing and delivery available to anyone with a mobile phone or computer, VMS companies found a  perfect opportunity for a multi-channel presence to scale sales and connect with a larger customer base.

The numbers are amazing. It’s estimated that 73% of the 370,000,000 plus Americans report taking nutritional supplements. Just in the U.S., the  VMS consumer market alone is worth at least $42.6 billion this year. On a global scale, VMS market size was valued at USD 151.9 billion in 2021 and is expected to increase year over year at a rate of 8.9% from 2022 to 2030.  Suffice it to say, there is big money to be made with affiliate marketing in the vitamins & dietary supplements online marketplace. 

If you’re in this business then you know it’s a gold mine. However, gold doesn’t mine itself! The relevance, volume and quality of your affiliates in this developing market will determine how many nuggets you mine. will help find and recruit supplement affiliates who are eager to promote your vitamins & dietary supplements online to their web audience.

Knowing the preferences of your consumers and how they purchase VMS products will also help shape your affiliate program. It will assist you in choosing which affiliates and influencers hold the most promise for your products. With 87% of adults typically using some type of vitamin, mineral or supplement product – a number that has risen significantly in the last decade.  The growing popularity for VMS products means that there are many other advertisers also searching for quality affiliates to promote their VMS line of products. This is why you will need a competitive edge . . . a tool that can help you find and  recruit supplement affiliates and content creators to promote your vitamins & dietary supplements.

In previous years, the majority of VMS consumers shopped at multiple locations, including online. In 2020, the number of consumers shopping for VMS exclusively in-store decreased dramatically, while the number of customers who purchased them online went up exponentially. For many VMS consumers it’s predicted their pandemic-influenced shopping changes will continue, further underscoring the importance of a strong multi-channel brand presence. This massive seascape requires navigating the waters efficiently and successfully.

Go to today and sign up for your 7-day FREE trial access.  Try before you buy!  Use to start growing your affiliate program in real time by searching for and finding relevant affiliates.  No credit cards required! We are confident that  you’ll want to keep us in your marketing toolbox once you’ve experienced how simple it is to find and recruit vitamin affiliates and content creators to promote your vitamins & dietary supplements online.